Hey! I’m Kennedy, your resident plus size fashion blogger here on BGBW. I’m a Chicago native–westside of course– a part-time runway stylist/producer, and kind of a photographer. All of my life i’ve been overweight/plus/curvy– whatever you want to call it. I struggled for years to finally come to terms with my size and become comfortable with the way that my body looks. Believe me, I’ve tried everything you could think of to build my confidence and self esteem, but what truly helped me with years of body image issues was developing my style, and using fashion to heal me. Over 10 years of building a sense of style has taught me what works for my body and what makes me feel like I can take on the world. I want to share that same feeling with others, so in March of 2018 I started a different fashion blog that has evolved into BIG GRL, BIG WRLD because I realized that there are so many other women who, just like me, are trying to take on the world in a plus size body. My mission is fairly simple– to inspire and empower plus size GRL’s and women to embrace their size, and not be afraid to take on anything life throws at them because of their dress size. We’re all BIG GRL’s taking on a BIG WRLD, why not do it with style!
Welcome to BIG GRL, BIG WRLD!
This is a personal style blog written by Kennedy Daniels and any products received as gifts will be disclosed in the post in which they appear. When this site uses affiliate links they generate a small commission when items are sold. Any items that BIG GRL, BIG WRLD receives for consideration of coverage on this blog or any social media platform, does not guarantee coverage. All gifts will be disclosed and will be included in editorial content on the blog. BIG GRL, BIG WRLD will never sell, save or give contact information obtained from this blog. My opinions are and will always be my own.
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